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Waimarishe Kenya Ltd is duly incorporated in Kenya under the Companies Act cap (486). Our core objective is to empower, and transform social, and economic Lives of the people of Kenya. Waimarishe Kenya clientele base today is more than 15,000 clients drawn from every part of Kenya irrespective of their religion, color, gender, and tribe. We endeavor to widen innovative financial solutions for you depending whether you want to transact. Invest, borrow or become part of us. We have diverse innovative products and services which evolve with your changing needs in everyday life. We understand what it means to do business in Kenya and its’ environs. We have specialist product expertise touching all areas, strong local capacity and team spirit to take our business globally We aim to be the Champion corporate and investment Company in Kenya, with a deep specialization in natural resources. We provide services to governments, Individuals, larger corporates, financial institutions, registered societies, service providers and the public at large.
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